
期末加油 🔥🔥

Week by week schedule

Week Lecture Note
1 Course Introduction & Overview Lec0 / Lec1
2 Lexical Analysis I Lec2
3 Lexical Analysis II / Lex - The Lexical-Analyzer Generator Lec3 / Lec4
4 Syntax Analysis: Context-Free Grammar Lec5
5 Syntax Analysis: Top-Down and Buttom-Up Parsing Lec6
6 Syntax Analysis: Top-Down and Buttom-Up Parsing
7 Syntax Analysis: More LR Parsing / Yacc - The Parser Generator Lec7 / Lec8
8 Syntax-Directed Translation Lec9
9 Midterm Exam (11/6)
10 Syntax-Directed Translation
11 Intermediate-Code Generation Lec10
12 Intermediate-Code Generation
13 Intermediate-Code Generation / Run-Time Environment Lec11
14 Run-Time Environment
15 Code Generation Lec12
16 Control-Flow Analysis and Optimizations Lec13
17 Final Exam (1/3)